Órdenes religiosas que sirven en la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta
«El primer objetivo de la vida consagrada es el de hacer visibles las maravillas que Dios realiza en la frágil humanidad de las personas llamadas. Más que con palabras, testimonian estas maravillas con el lenguaje elocuente de una existencia transfigurada, capaz de sorprender al mundo»-Papa Juan Pablo II, Vita Consecrata, 20
Oficina del Vicario de Religiosos
Hermano Nicholas Wolfla
Delegado de Religiosos y Asuntos Canónicos
Oficina del Vicario de Religiosos
o: 404.920.7653
Joann Cover
Administrative assistant
Office of the Delegate for Religious
O: 404.920.7714

Instituciones de religiosas que tienen representantes en la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta
- Congregation of Our Lady of the Cenacle (r.c.)
- Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy (DMMM)
- Dominican Sisters of Adrian (OP)
- Daughters of Saint Anne (FSA)
- Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne (OP)
- Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia, Nashville (OP)
- Dominican Sisters (Vietnam) (OP)
- Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Refuge, Mexico (R.F.R.)
- Consecrated Women of Focolare
- Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus/ Ancillae Cordis Jesu (A.C.J.)
- Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (R.S.M.)
- Missionaries of Charity (M.C.)
- Missionary Guadalupanas of the Holy Spirit (MGSpS)
- Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Ad Gentes (MAG)
- Missionary Servants of the Word
- Congregation of Regnum Christi
- Sisters of the 11th Hour of St. John Eudes
- Sisters of Jesus of Kkottongnae, Korea
- DeSales Secular Institute
- Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary
- Congregation of St. Joseph, Concordia, Kansas
- Sisters of Sacred Sciences
Instituciones de religiosos que tienen representantes en la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta
- Congregation of Missionary Sons of Immaculate Heart of Mary, Claretians (C.M.F.)
- Congregation of the Passion, Passionists (C.P.)
- Fransalians (Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales) (MSFS)
- Jesuit Fathers and Brothers (S.J.)
- Marist Fathers and Brothers (S.M.)
- Misioneros de la Natividad de María (M.N.M)
- Missionaries of Our Lady of LaSalette (MS)
- Legionaries of Christ (L.C.)
- Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappists) (O.C.S.O.)
- Order of Franciscans (OFM)
- Order of Friars Minor Conventual (Conventual Franciscan) (O.F.M.Conv)
- Order of Preachers (Dominicans) (O.P.)
- Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (F.S.S.P.)
- Society of Our Lady of Most Holy Trinity (S.O.L.T.)