Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity.”
– Evangelil Nuntiandi

OED strives to serve and support pastors and ministry leaders in the mission of evangelization by resourcing the various ministries of service with strategic and effective ways to share the Gospel.   Our conviction is that evangelization is the cornerstone of all pastoral action, and that every ministry in the Church focuses on the primacy of evangelization, with the goals to:

  • Live our call to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Serve with the best of leadership principles all grounded in the Eucharist.
  • Create or strengthen existing structures to serve the missionary option.

Evangelizing Parish – A parish is the fundamental place of evangelical proclamation, the place where the Eucharist is celebrated and where fraternity and fellowship shines forth our Christian witness.  The OED offers an understanding of a possible journey, and resources to guide the discipleship efforts of the parishes in our Archdiocese.

Evangelizing Family – Families are uniquely qualified to witness the Gospel, and to be evangelizers to family members, neighbors, and friends.  The OED presents simple and practical ways families can “become who they are” and evangelize the world, including those who have fallen away from the faith.

Evangelizer – How do we ourselves become evangelizers?  Are you ready to take the next step as an evangelizer and as one who cultivates disciples for Christ?

Please consult our specialized pages on evangelization strategies for the parish, the family and the individual.

We are here to serve you, to provide evangelization retreats, consultation in parish renewal, and consultation in the use of different evangelization tools for the parish, family and the individual.   Please contact us so we can assist you in this process.

Our Team

Photo of Monica Oppermann


Evangelization Strategies

Photo of Patrick Metts


Associate Director

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