The Permanent Diaconate Formation Program is directed at preparing men spiritually, academically, and pastorally for ordination and to assist the Church in its mission of salvation of souls. Men who are called and chosen will be formed and sent to teach, to guard and to bear witness to, and to serve Holy Mother the Church through the example of their lives and their ministries of Word, service, and charity.

Pedro Arenas
Pedro Arenas
Vita Cama
Vita Cama
Tad George
Tad George
Ronald Hein
Ronald Hein
Alexis Hounlede
Alexis Hounlede
Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson
Javier Oliver
Javier Oliver
Carlos VizCaino
Carlos VizCaino
Peter Chacon
Peter Chacon
Jose Couvillion
Jose Couvillion
Alex Kuriatnyk
Alex Kuriatnyk
Scott Major
Scott Major
Wayne Morrison
Wayne Morrison
Danilo Salas-Arias
Danilo Salas-Arias
Chet Wiernusz
Chet Wiernusz
Rusty Creel
Rusty Creel
Martir Machado
Martir Machado
Dennis Rosenthal
Dennis Rosenthal
David Schulze
David Schulze
Andrew Shen
Andrew Shen
Rogelio Vergara-Sandoval
Rogelio Vergara-Sandoval
Mark Woo
Mark Woo
Photo of Shawn Buckley
Shawn Buckley
Photo of Matthew Gries
Matthew Gries
Photo of James Hill
James Hill
Photo of Edward Kujawski
Edward Kujawski
Photo of Carlos Levisohn
Carlos Levisohn
Photo of Tim Standard
Tim Standard
Photo of Eric Williams
Eric Williams

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