1Requestors Details
2Trip Details
3Trip Organizer Details
4Financial Details
5Personal Touch

Thank you for your interest in mission work and reaching out to our organization for assistance.

ONE KEY PART OF THIS FORM is a video link to YouTube with your pitch. We encourage you to prepare a 1-2 minute video about why Youth in Mission should choose you to help with funding your mission trip before filling out this form. Please have that URL ready when you get to that question.

The DEADLINE for YiM Scholarship Applications is the Sunday after Thanksgiving. The scholarships toward mission trips are distributed in January.

ELIGIBLE: Georgia Middle School, High School, College aged students passionate about mission work, struggling to fund mission trips, but actively participating in personal fundraising.

Please contact us at 770-425-5129 or yimcharity@gmail.com with any questions.

Please enter a number greater than or equal to 12.
Please turn voicemail on clear out messages, and add us to your contacts.
Personal Email Addresses only. NO school accounts.
Home Address(Required)
Please enter a number from 1 to 5.
Please use proper phone format (###-###-####) when entering the phone number it makes it easier to read and double check email address before you continue to the next part of the application.
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone

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