Tuesday, September 1st marks the first annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, as announced by Pope Francis. The Archdiocese of Atlanta invites you to celebrate with us as we highlight our parish and school gardens throughout the day on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We will also be listing special events to honor this day.


Christ the King School Puzzle: Middle school students at Christ the King will ask themselves, “Have we been given dominion or stewardship over the earth and creation?” in their religion classes. Students will put together a puzzle representing an image of hands holding the world, and later receive their own puzzle piece, inviting them to reflect and pray on how they care for God’s gift of creation.

Christ the King Knotted Rope: Elementary school students at Christ the King will receive a section of knotted rope to help them consider the “knots” or problems in our world that need Mary’s intercession. After naming each knot, they will attach them to form a Rosary, which will be placed in the Prayer Garden.


September 1st is World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation (Georgia Bulletin)



Archbishop Gregory on the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation


World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation: Parish and School Gardens

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