Join us for this year’s Chrism Mass, a solemn celebration of the unity and mission of this local Church, on Tuesday, March 26, at 4 p.m., at the Cathedral of Christ the King.
During this Mass, priests renew promises made at ordination and oils used during the sacraments in more than 100 parishes and missions in the Archdiocese of Atlanta are blessed. There are three vessels of oils: the oil of the sick, the oil of the catechumens and chrism. The chrism oil is perfumed and used during the sacraments of baptism and ordination.
This year’s event will include the formally incardination of Reverend Adam Blatt into the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Incardination refers to the practice of transferring allegiance from one diocesan church to another. Fourteen priests will also be honored for their years of ministry in the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
This event’s jubilarians and their years of service are as follows:
- Reverend Gregory D. Kenny, CMF
- Reverend Edward D. Danneker
- Reverend Monsignor Patrick A. Bishop
- Reverend Monsignor Edward B. Branch
- Reverend Ralph F. Olek, SM
- Reverend Steven L. Yander
- Reverend Carlos Mario Bustamante Agudelo
- Reverend John F. Durkin, Jr.
- Reverend Kevin J. Hargaden
- Reverend Brian J. Higgins
- Reverend Cyriac C. Mattathilanickal, MS
- Reverend Thanh Liem Nguyen
- Reverend Adrian C. H. Pleus
- Reverend Fernando Molina Restrepo