We are dedicated to serving couples wishing to get married in the Church, struggling marriages, strengthening families, and healing for those divorced or grieving.
Called To Be One (LLASU)/Llamados a ser uno
Called to Be One (LLASU) is a Catholic movement, working for the Archdiocese of Atlanta, with support from the Office of Evangelization and Discipleship. The group is made up of married couples and volunteer Catholic priests, committed to preparing Spanish-speaking couples who will marry under the principles and teachings of the Catholic Church.
- Spiritual Director: Father Robert Perez Carrasco
- Lay Director: Eduardo and Vianey Arcis
- Email: LLASUinfo@gmail.com
Renovación Conyugal
Renocación conyugal is an Association of the Lay Faithful within the Catholic Church. Our goal is to help the growth, strengthening and revitalization of the family. Our purpose is achieved through various programs, highlighting as basic and fundamental the workshop we offer to couples. This workshop offers an experience that facilitates, promotes and allows the renewal, revitalization, restart and revival of the couple’s life and their mutual commitment. Even though it is a Catholic organism, those who do not share our faith can benefit from our apostolic activities since the experience that Conjugal Renewal provides is profoundly human and therefore universal.
- Website: renovacionconyugalatlanta.com
- Spiritual Director: TBD
- Lay Director: Isabel and Jorge Delgado
- Email: renovacionconyugal@gmail.com
If you would like to obtain additional information, email our office manager, Yolanda Muñoz at ymunoz@archatl.com or contact us by telephone at 404-920-7339.