Abortion can change your life: are you or someone you love experiencing anger, depression, grief, despair, or other triggers after abortion? PATH can help you find unfailing forgiveness, mercy, and hope in Christ. Healing is possible!
PATH is a Catholic based ministry for all suffering after abortion. We are here to help you grieve and reconcile with yourself, others, and God. PATH also educates the community regarding post abortion trauma, its treatment and prevention.
“PATH” stands for Post Abortion Treatment and Healing.

PATH is a safe place to honestly address your feelings and explore—with others—how you came to make this decision and why it is so painful today. Layers of denial, anger and confusion are unraveled, giving way to acceptance and forgiveness. Another important step in the healing process is to reconcile with God and to grieve the loss of your child.
PATH facilitators lead women and men through the grief process with the help of one on one mentorships, small group Bible Studies and weekend retreats called “Rachel’s Vineyard”. PATH also offers Aftercare (ongoing support) to all those who have participated in one of our programs.
Many of PATH’s trained volunteers have had an abortion themselves. All of our trained volunteers have completed the Bible Study and the retreat.
If you want to know more about the PATH ministry, click on one of the buttons below. Take courage, He is calling you!