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  • Create Date July 31, 2015
  • Last Updated July 28, 2023

Religion K 12 Curriculum

The K-12 Religion Curriculum Guide was adopted for the Archdiocese of Atlanta with permission from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Office of Catholic Education. This curriculum is under review in light of the 2020 Directory for Catechesis and other developments since the curriculum was published. OED will keep leaders updated as next steps and plans develop.

Please note: The Religion Curriculum’s 30-hour requirement for in-person contact (30 hours of session/classroom time in the parish buildings per year) no longer applies universally to children’s faith formation in the archdiocese. With the approval of the archbishop, the Office of Evangelization and Discipleship (OED) has been promoting family faith formation and is encouraging more parishes to embrace family catechesis. Even where parishes are still using mainly traditional approaches, OED encourages those parishes to rethink how contact hours are utilized. Opportunities for retreats, gatherings for family prayer in the parish, and other events and activities that foster an encounter with Christ and connection to the life of the parish, can and should be utilized as parts of the catechetical program and experience, in accord with the kerygmatic and mystagogical catechesis called for by the Directory for Catechesis. With family catechesis, contact hours not only include times for meetings/sessions in the parish but also encompass contact hours in the home. Catechesis is meant to be a way of life and ongoing. While hourly requirements have been helpful for scheduling the traditional classroom approach to catechesis, the archdiocese is encouraging parishes to embrace a more integrated approach to faith formation that engages and accompanies families. This means that it is acceptable to have less contact hours in the parish buildings, presuming that opportunities are included in the program for building the domestic Church in the home—for family prayer, conversations, and activities in the home. Family catechesis that is done and lived well exceeds the 30-hour requirement for in-person contact. 

An example of family catechesis is our Families Forming Disciples program. More information is available at www.evangelizationatl.com/families-forming-disciples.

For questions, please contact Patrice or Michele.

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