Thank you for joining AACCT Now!
Welcome to the Archdiocese of Atlanta Creation Care Team: AACCT Now!
Individuals who are passionate about caring for people and the planet are encouraged to join the Archdiocese of Atlanta Creation Care Team: AACCT Now!
Vision: To create a faith-based Green Movement in North and Central Georgia that works toward a more sustainable future.
Mission: To form and inform a network of individuals of faith, who are passionate about caring for all of creation; leveraging their passion and numbers to bring about urgent, sustainable, and meaningful change.
As part of its Laudato Si’ Initiative and faith-based commitment to caring for all creation, the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Justice and Peace Ministries has organized an at-large network of individual creation care team members who are passionate about taking action to ensure a more sustainable future.
AACCT Now! will offer individual and group opportunities to network and learn more about the many aspects of integral ecology, as well as to engage in faith-based advocacy and other activities with a focus on bringing about meaningful change in the areas of sustainability, conservation, and environmental justice.
Team members can take advantage of on-line and in-person education and awareness offerings, choose to participate in advocacy efforts around various sustainability and justice issues, come together for thematic events, form networks and committees to plan activities focused on specific issues, and receive periodic ‘green updates’; all designed to help create a Green Movement that works toward a more sustainable future for all.
AACCT Now! is open to individuals from any parish, congregation, school, ministry, organization, or business, regardless of faith tradition. Simply register as a member and start exploring the many ways you can get involved.