Certification Resources
All resources listed below apply to Parish and Catholic School catechist certification.
University of Dallas Certificado en Teología Pastoral Spanish Program
The Certificado en Ministerio Pastoral is offered by University of Dallas Neuhoff Institute for Ministry and Evangelization. It is a fully on-line, three-year, 18-course certificate offered in Spanish. Students are nominated by their pastor and receive accompaniment and a partial scholarship from the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Registration for the new cohort opens in the spring of 2025. For more information contact Monica Oppermann moppermann@archatl.com.
Last Updated: July 12, 2023
University of Dayton Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) Certification Programs
The University of Dayton offers three Certificates: Youth Ministry, Catechesis and Adult Formation Leadership. The programs are 18 months in length and fully on-line. Where possible we try to have all AOA participants in the same co-hort. The Office of Evangelization & Discipleship provides a reduced 50% tuition incentive for all students from AoA.
Last Updated: July 12, 2023
Virtual Catholic Conferences
OED and Virtual Catholic Conference have worked to make all of VCC’s conferences available to our Catechists! Please click here to access. If you have any questions, please contact Michele McHale-Pickard. Note the following conferences hosted in partnership with OED:
- 2022 Eucharistic Revival Conference
- 2021 Southeast Catechist Conference
- 2020 Atlanta Catechist Conference
Last Updated: July 12, 2023
Catechetical Institute Franciscan University
CI was formally organized in 2015 and publicly launched in 2017 to serve Christ and his Church by forming those entrusted with the formation of others in any situation and ministry role. To support all those involved in the care of souls to grow in pastoral gentleness, faithful creativity, and bold confidence as they reach out to evangelize, accompany, and pass on the Catholic faith to others in the power of the Holy Spirit. Many tracks for your to direct your catechist to.
Cost: $300 per year per parish.
Click here to begin your Catechist certification with Franciscan
Last Updated: April 5, 2023
Catechetical Formation Series – Loyola Press
A new online Catechetical Formation Series! The Catechetical Formation Series consists of 10 learning sessions that are accompanied by downloadable documents that invite catechists to apply concepts learned in the sessions to their ministry experience.
Cost: $199 per parish or $25 per individual.
Click here to get started
Last Updated: April 5, 2023
Catechist Certification Resources for 2023
There are many paths for earning catechist certification credit and several options are listed below.
The Parish or School Catechetical leader administering Catechist Certification should be consulted to determine if a particular course meets certification requirements.
Last Updated: April 5, 2023
Province Partner resources
The resources found here are from our Province Partners, (the dioceses of Raleigh and Charleston) and have been approved by OED to be used as part of Catechist Certification.
Catechist formation courses hosted by parishes and organizations around the Archdiocese:
Certification Summary
Levels of certification: Credit may be earned concurrently, but certificates are awarded in advancing order
- Basic: 24 hours required (14 courses with specific content; see Chapter 4)
- Intermediate: 42 hours required (course hours in specific content area)
- Advanced: 48 hours required (course hours in specific content areas)
How to Achieve Parish Catechist Certification
- Print the Parish catechist certification log sheet
- Attend courses or complete an online course
- Record each course completed on the log sheet
- Submit completed log sheet to the Parish Catechetical Leader assisting with catechist certification. Instructions for issuing and submitting catechists certificates for the Parish Catechetical Leader is found in Chapter 2 (page 18 of CCM).
- Additional support documents and templates for Parish Catechetical Leaders are available in chapter 5 of CCM or from the Office of Formation and Discipleship
1. Parish Catechist Certification Log: Basic
Please use the following list to track your certification. When all requirements have been met for a level, please review this list with your parish catechetical leader. Attach copies of any certificates issued for individual courses.
Last Updated: June 14, 2022
2. Parish Catechist Certification Log: Intermediate
Please use the following list to track your certification. When all requirements have been met, please review this list with your parish catechetical leader. Attach copies of any certificates issued for individual courses.
Last Updated: February 11, 2022
3. Parish Catechist Certification Log: Advanced
Use the following list to track your certification. When you have met all requirements, please review this list with your parish catechetical leader. Attach copies of any certificates issued for individual courses. Twelve hours must be concentrated in one content area. Remaining hours should be accomplished in other content areas.
Last Updated: February 11, 2022
How to Achieve Catholic School Teacher Catechist Certification
- Print the Catholic School Catechist Certification Log Sheet
- Attend courses or complete an online course
- Record all relevant catechetical hours in the appropriate dimension until 150 hours are complete. Hours are earned for time spent as a learner and cannot be earned for planning classes and liturgies. Hours must be directly related to faith formation.
- Submit completed log sheet to the Catechist Certification administrator at the school
- The Catechist Certification Administrator at the school will review the completed application, including the log of courses, and send both documents to the Office of Catholic Schools that will award the Certificate to qualified applicants.
- Additional support documents and templates for school catechist certification administrator are available in chapter 8 of CCM or from the Office of Catholic Schools
Catholic School Catechist Certification Log Sheet
Last Updated: October 2, 2023
Catholic School Teachers are required to earn 150 hours of certification credit in specific competency areas. Renewal of catechist certification requires 36 hours of credit over a three year period.
Certified Catechist in the Catholic School Renewal Application
Last Updated: October 2, 2023
Master Catechists (CCM Chapter 9)
Master Catechist certification is available to those who have a degree or completed a certificate program in catechetics, theology, religious education or a related field. Applicants for Master Catechist must apply and meet all requirements.
Master Catechist Application
The parish catechetical leader or Catholic school principal submits this form for individuals who have met requirements for Master Catechist Certification.
Last Updated: April 22, 2024
Sources of Master Catechist Certification
There are many certificate and degree options that will result in Master Catechist certification. Those listed below are partner programs partially subsidized by the Archdiocese.
Upcoming Catechist Certification Workshops
- If you are hosting a catechist certification workshop that is open to catechists from other parishes, please contact Benedict Esposito to have your workshop posted. Please include informational flyers if available.