Possible Topics:

  • Theology of the Body Parish Advent/Lenten Missions: The Fulfillment of All Desire / Written in Their Skin
  • High School Youth Group Theology of the Body Series
  • Catholic High School Theology of the Body Week-Long Immersion
  • Theology of the Body Weekend Retreats / Day of Reflection
  • Theology of the Body training for Youth Ministers and CORE members
  • Theology of the Body and Specific Topics
    • Art
    • Mary
    • Vocations
    • The Eucharist
    • Discernment of Spirits
  • Respect Life General Overview
  • Deep Dive Into Specific Issues
    • Abortion
    • Euthanasia/Physician Assisted Suicide
    • Gender/Same Sex Attraction
    • Contraception / In-Vitro Fertilization

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