Disclaimer: Inclusion on this list of resources DOES NOT indicate any official endorsement or vetting status by the Archdiocese.
- Adoption Agencies:
- Covenant Care: https://www.covenantcareadoptions.com/
- Lifeline Children’s Services: https://lifelinechild.org/
- Abiding Love: https://abidingloveadopt.com/
- BeNotAfraid (Prenatal Diagnosis): https://www.benotafraid.net/
- Catholic Guidance for End-of-Life Decision Making (Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide): www.catholicendoflife.org
- Catholic Medical Association: https://www.cathmed.org/
- CatholicPsych Institute: https://www.catholicpsych.com/
- Chasity Project: https://chastity.com/
- Courage (Same Sex Attraction): https://couragerc.org/
- Domestic Violence: https://archatl.com/ministries-services/pastoral-care-ministry/domestic-violence/
- Disabilities Ministry: https://archatl.com/ministries-services/disabilities-ministry/
- Divorce Recovery: https://archatl.com/ministries-services/pastoral-care-ministry/recovering-from-divorce/
- Echo Community (Young Adult/Youth and Theology of the Body): https://www.echocommunity.us/
- Eden Invitation (Same Sex Attraction / Gender): https://www.edeninvitation.com/
- Equal Rights Institute (Pro-Life Apologetics): https://equalrightsinstitute.com/
- 40 Days for Life: https://www.40daysforlife.com/
- Holy Family Catholic Counseling: https://www.holyfamilycounselingcenter.com/
- JPII Healing Center: https://jpiihealingcenter.org/
- Justice and Peace Ministries: https://archatl.com/ministries-services/justice-and-peace-ministries/
- Miscarriage and Infant Loss: Red Bird Ministries: Carried With Love — Red Bird Ministries
- Natural Womanhood: NaturalWomanhood.org
- PATH: Post Abortion Treatment and Healing: https://www.healingafterabortion.org/
- Patients’ Rights Council (End of Life): http://www.patientsrightscouncil.org/site/
- PAC – Pregnancy Aid Clinic: pac-woman.com
- Pornography Help: https://archatl.com/ministries-services/pastoral-care-ministry/pornography-help/
- Prison and Jail Ministry: https://archatl.com/ministries-services/prison-and-jail-ministry/
- Promise686 (Foster and Adoption): https://promise686.org/
- RHM Ethical Fertility Solutions: https://www.rhmgyn.com/
- Shiloh Post-IVF Healing Ministry: https://www.shilohivf.com/
- Sidewalk Advocates For Life (Sidewalk Counseling): https://sidewalkadvocates.org/
- St. Clare’s Maternity Home for Pregnant Mothers – Greenville County, SC: https://stclareshomesc.org/
- Theology of the Body Institute: https://tobinstitute.org/
- You, Me, and NFP: YouMeAndNFP.com
National Suicide & Crisis Hotline: Dial 988
- There is hope, but you must act quickly!
- Call the 24/7 hotline at 1-877-558-0333
- AbortionPillReversal.com