Support Our Work

The mission of Restorative Justice Ministry is to foster healing, reconciliation and community resilience, and address the systemic issues of criminal legal reform, death penalty abolition and racial justice.

You are essential to that mission!

Through continuing education on the Church’s social teachings and engaging in advocacy with your elected officials, you help us promote the life and dignity of all people, especially the most marginalized among us. We encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on resources and events to get involved in.

Please also consider a donation of any size to support our work. Your tax deductible gift helps us provide you and this entire Local Church with the best and most engaging programming and resources on restorative justice and Catholic Social Teaching.

Donations may be made on a one time or recurring basis. You will receive a tax receipt for your contribution. The staff of Restorative Justice Ministry and the people we serve thank you for your support of our work.

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