Witness to Marriage

Witness to Marriage encourages divorced and separated Catholics to remain faithful to God and His Church.


Witness to Marriage is an association for divorced and separated Catholics who have not received declarations of nullity and strive to be faithful to God and His Church.
Witness to Marriage logo

Our purposes are…

  1. To encourage, support, and guide individuals who are civilly divorced or separated, but may be validly married to live faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. To bear witness to the world of the sanctity and permanency of marriage and the value of the virtue of chastity.
  3. To support clergy in their accompaniment of divorced and separated Catholics and their work to promote a clear, supportive, and faithful message on marriage, divorce, and declarations of nullity.
Witness to Marriage is a lay apostolate in the Archdiocese of Atlanta Office. We are faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church and we operate with the assistance and guidance of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Office or Evangelization and Discipleship.

Who should consider joining us?

Individuals who are divorced or separated who are waiting for an annulment or recognize that their marriage is or may be sacramental should consider joining us. Joining Witness to Marriage simply means requesting to be put on our mailing list for meetings and other events. There are no dues and no sharing of contact information.


  • Message from Bishop Tran (COMING SOON) On November 16, 2024 Bishop John Tran celebrated Holy Mass for the intentions of divorced and separated Catholics at St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church in Kennesaw, GA.
  • Introduction to Witness to Marriage Dr. Felix Menendez, STL, JCD, Court Administrator/Judge of the Archdiocese of Atlanta Metropolitan Tribunal, interviews Robert Babecka about Witness to Marriage.

Additional Resources and Information 

Contact Information

Robert Babecka
Witness to Marriage
P: 678-939-3568
Robin Johnson
Witness to Marriage
P: 770-330-4105
E: raj_rdms@yahoo.com

Recovering from Divorce Online

Recovering from Divorce Online offers its “Foundations Sessions”  for free to assist individuals in beginning their healing journey after a separation or divorce. Recovering from Divorce Online is the only online program that is based on the truth of the Catholic faith.

You’ll access more than 10 hours of video lessons that take you through the foundational aspects of beginning your healing journey.


Additional Resources

Divorced Catholic

A resource of programs and books for divorced Catholics to help them get their life back on track after divorce, and move forward in their faith with hope and confidence.

Divorced Catholic Logo

Separated Faithful

Catholics who were reluctantly divorced or separated can continue to fulfill their marriage mission – to sanctify themselves and their spouses. Monthly, the group discusses the ongoing seven stages from the book, The Gift of Self, A Spiritual Companion for Separated and Divorced Faithful to the Sacrament of Marriage.  Conference phone call, second-Mondays, monthly at 9 p.m. Contact SeparatedFaithful@outlook.com, with your name and (arch)diocese.

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